A friend of mine at work today talked about a local event happening called Board Stock (www.boardstock.com) I thought it sounded interesting and started to do a little investigation. I tried desperatly to find something about women participating. One of the big events is wakeboarding.
In my little search I came across this article and found it very interesting. I guess this is where I get so frustrated with women in sports and the lack of coverage and opportunities to compete.
Women walking around wearing little bikin's are just fine and quite wonderful. Yet that same little bikini wearing babe wants to play with the boy's, everyone gets a little nervous and a woman finds there isn't a lot of opportunity out there playing like the boys.
Now this story is was written in 2003, maybe things have gotten better. But here's a quote from this story.
"During the past two years, the Pro Tour cut many of the stops for the women. The women went from having six or seven events to the present number of two. There used to be a Women's Pro Tour Champion, but they stopped awarding that in 2001."
This is really very sad to me. The gentleman who wrote this story I think did a pretty good job in saying..."What the hey people? We really need to get on the ball here and do more for women who rock at wakeboarding."
To read the whole article visit:
Respect For The Women BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS....
In writing this blog I JUST came across something very cool and gives me hope. It's called:
BoardFest (I just have to say this, it's very odd I found this site. I thought the name of the event going on this weekend was boardfest and I typed that in, instead of boardstock. This is just how my life works, and it's pretty cool if you ask me.)This event is happening over labor day weekend in Huntington Beach, CA. It doesn't include wakeboarding, BUT it does include skating, surfing and yes they're brining in the snow for snowboarding!

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. – Boardfest ’06, the largest and most unique empowerment experience of its kind for GIRLS, returns to the Huntington Beach Pier over Labor Day Weekend, September 2 to 4. The surf-skate-snow inspired festival showcases music, fashion and interactive exhibits along with underlying themes of health, beauty, fitness and charity. More than 100,000 spectators, primarily ‘tween, teen and kids, attended Boardfest in 2005.
Where action sports, music and life collide, Boardfest ’06 (www.boardfest.com) offers something for every level of involvement, synergistically weaving professional and amateur competitions featuring 100 high-caliber women athletes, beginning and intermediate surfing and skateboarding clinics, makeovers, live bands, education, games, activities and attractions while spreading the important message of staying active and healthy. The vast majority of Boardfest is open to the public free-of-charge.
Separate Boardfest “Zones” for Entertainment (music, fashion shows, performers, motivational speakers), Kids (games, rides, activities), Surfing (competition, clinics, exhibits), Skateboarding (competition, clinics, exhibits), Snowboarding (demonstrations, technology, exhibits) and Interactive (displays, attractions, education) clearly define the Boardfest venue and afford substantial branding and messaging opportunities.
The Boardfest ’06 footprint stretches from ocean to boardwalk, and is more than a football field in length. Nestled against Surf City USA’s landmark pier and the heavily trafficked Pacific Coast Highway, Boardfest capitalizes on a world-class recreational facility which offers parking, restrooms, refreshments/food and spectacular viewing. Nearby surf shops, historical landmarks (Surfing Walk of Fame and Surfers Hall of Fame) and hotels (Waterfront Hilton and Hyatt Regency) further enhance the experience.
“In providing myriad avenues for inspiration and empowerment, Boardfest affords our sponsors and partners with a fresh and potent experiential marketing vehicle to endear their brand to new and existing consumers,” said Event Director Cherie Whyte. “Dynamic initiatives, dramatic events, exciting motivational speakers, potent media story angles and critical strategic alliances will evolve Boardfest and the girl’s empowerment message to a new and higher plateau.”
Entering its third year, Boardfest ’06 is a Boardom, Inc. property. For consumer information please visit www.boardfest.com or call (714) 375-1132. For sponsorship opportunities or press information contact MKM at (714) 375-2188.