Surviving Breast Cancer
There are no coincidences in the world and if you are reading this and don't quite understand how or why you found this blog -- there's a reason for it.

A few months back I found out about a man named Robert Moss. I heard him being interviewed on a talk radio show. I liked what he had to say. He was promoting a book he had written called, The Three Only Things Dreams, Coincidences and Imagination. Several weeks went by and I searched his website to find that he was going to do a talk and book signing at a small bookstore about 15 minutes away. I was so excited.
I went, got his book, and had the chance to ask him one question as he was signing my book. The question I asked was what do I do when coincidences happen. What do I do with that information. He answered by saying, "Think of it as a secret handshake from the Universe." I loved that answer.

In his book he mentioned a woman named Wanda Burch who had also written a book called, "She Who Dreams." I quickly got my hands on this book and so enjoyed it. You know those kinds of books you just wish wouldn't end? It was one of those for me.
I think as a woman you'll find yourself empowered when you read it. I hope that as you get into this book you'll reclaim your own personal intuition and maybe look at your dreams with the possibility that they can help you.
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