Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Surviving Breast Cancer

There are no coincidences in the world and if you are reading this and don't quite understand how or why you found this blog -- there's a reason for it.

A few months back I found out about a man named Robert Moss. I heard him being interviewed on a talk radio show. I liked what he had to say. He was promoting a book he had written called, The Three Only Things Dreams, Coincidences and Imagination. Several weeks went by and I searched his website to find that he was going to do a talk and book signing at a small bookstore about 15 minutes away. I was so excited.

I went, got his book, and had the chance to ask him one question as he was signing my book. The question I asked was what do I do when coincidences happen. What do I do with that information. He answered by saying, "Think of it as a secret handshake from the Universe." I loved that answer.

In his book he mentioned a woman named Wanda Burch who had also written a book called, "She Who Dreams." I quickly got my hands on this book and so enjoyed it. You know those kinds of books you just wish wouldn't end? It was one of those for me.

I feel this book should be read by every female. The basis of this book is centered around Wanda's journey of discovering she had breast cancer, trying to convince a doctor she had breast cancer, and then the whole process of surgery and chemo.

I think as a woman you'll find yourself empowered when you read it. I hope that as you get into this book you'll reclaim your own personal intuition and maybe look at your dreams with the possibility that they can help you.

We live in such a busy society now where it's hard to take a moment to ourselves to listen to what our gut/heart is telling us. We get so caught up in the ugly news that surrounds us on a daily basis, we've got work in and out of the home. You know what I'm talking about. BUSY BUSY BUSY.

Taking a few quiet moments to ourselves can actually make us healthier and quite possibly save our life.


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