Nancy Pelosi - From Stay-at-Home Mom to Speaker of the House!

Nancy was a stay-at-home mom, mother of five, and didn't even enter the political arena until her last child went to college. That made Pelosi 47 years old when she started her career and now at the age of 66 is the FIRST LADY Speaker of the house.
It feels good having a woman in such a influential role in government who KNOWS what it's like to be a stay-at-home mom, who KNOWS what it's like to be a woman living in this country with all it's biases, glass ceilings...and yet Pelosi has shown us by her own example that we can do and become ANYTHING we set our mind to. The only thing that stands in our way as women, is many times our own thoughts that we are limited in our opportunties.
The last Sunday I was able to attend Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco and much of the sermon preached by Pastor Douglass Fitch, was centered around the fact that we CELEBRATE Nancy Pelosi. How good it feels that she right where she's supposed to be right now and's a coming! Personally...I can hardly wait!
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